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A member registered Jul 02, 2019

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thx, my dood

I've seen that before, but I didn't understand the reference at first, bc I had just started watching JoJo. Thx, my dood.

I was wondering if you could release patch notes for each update so that we can see what is new and being fixed. I'm sure everyone would appreciate it.

Hold up. What JoJo reference?

I know creating this content is not easy. So good luck on the rest of it, and I hope it goes smoothly for you.

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Ok. Thanks for the update, and I will definitely become a patron when I'm able. Good luck on the fixes.

Is there any news on the status of the update? Not trying to rush, just curious.

I am also stuck at lvl 1 corruption 1000. I downloaded the game a couple days ago on android. I've bought everything possible for lvl 1 and the only thing that shows for lectures is sit next to viki. I saw a thread from about 60 days ago saying that it was in the game, but I cant trigger the lvl increase.

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Also, I would recommend adding a "hide text" button to android since text tends to cover a large part of the art.

I absolutely love this game. I even went through all the dialogue options.  There's already a lot of different paths and options, so I cant wait to see how complex the story and world become. Btw, how large is the content increase for 2.0?

I was wondering what the second file for the android version was. I installed the game (first file), and I thought that the second one might be an update. However, when I tried to install it it said the game isn't installed.